Is it impossible to remove mesh implants?


Where TVT or TVM has gone wrong, the big worry is whether it’s impossible to remove mesh implant devices that have been surgically fitted.

With failing mesh implants often leading to serious complications and serious suffering for women, the idea that it’s impossible to remove the device is frightening. The pain and problems that devices can cause have left some women unable to walk or work for the rest of their lives. The problems have led to some being in constant pain and unable to have intercourse.

So, is it impossible to remove mesh implant devices in some case?

It can be impossible to remove mesh implant device in some case

Unfortunately, it can be impossible to remove mesh implant devices in some cases.

Mesh implants are designed to be permanent, and some of the problems can lead to them being too difficult to remove.

Even surgery cannot remove some mesh implant devices.

This is another reason as to why the recent review conducted led to a widespread pause on the use of mesh implants in England and Wales. The voices of women who have suffered problems for years hasn’t been listened to. The horrifying result is that some women have been left in a situation where it’s simply impossible to remove mesh implant devices they have been fitted with.

Given the seriousness of the mesh implant complications that can arise, this is incredibly worrying.

What can you do if your mesh implant can’t be removed?

If you have been told that you have an impossible to remove mesh implant, we’re truly sorry to hear this. We know this is awful news. We cannot turn back the clock and give you your perfect recovery.

All we can do is help you with the justice that you deserve.

Although the ideal situation would be to be free of any pain and problems, if that cannot be done, you can claim compensation.

Compensation is valued based on the severity of any suffering and loss that you endure. If you’re left with permanent problems and serious suffering, a pay-out will reflect this. Again, we know it’s not the ideal scenario of being able to free you from pain and problems. What we can do is ensure that you are properly and fairly compensated as a victim with an impossible to remove mesh implant.

Compensation packages can be substantial. The law works this way to make sure that you receive as much as possible where a problem is permanent. It’s all we can do, but it can go a long way to help.

For more information, please contact our team for help and advice should you need to.

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