Category: Risks

Vaginal mesh complications can leave women feeling suicidal

mesh implant safety

Despite their long-term approval by medical product regulators and the NHS, vaginal mesh implants have been associated with a number of incredibly harmful and debilitating medical complications. Unfortunately, the side-effects of mesh implants do not always stop at physical pain and injury, as they can also have a severe impact on victims’ mental health. In some cases, it can provoke depression, and can even leave women feeling suicidal.

With such severe consequences at stake, it is unacceptable that vaginal mesh implants have been used so widely across the NHS for so many years. In fact, we believe that many of the affected women may have been victims of some form of medical negligence. This could be where their doctors chose to recommend mesh surgery when there were better alternatives, or where people were harmed due to surgical mistakes, or where there has been a failure to warn patients of the risks of vaginal mesh implants. In some of these cases, victims may be eligible to make compensation claims.

Even with our years of experience in medical negligence claims, we have seen few treatment scandals of this scale and nature. We know that nothing can reverse the harm and trauma caused to victims in some cases, so we want to ensure that you receive the financial support you deserve to help you manage your condition if this is all that can be done for you.

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Supporting women injured by mesh

pelvic mesh support

Despite their wide usage across the health service, women began reporting complications associated with vaginal mesh implants several years ago, with some suffering excruciating pain and injury. Some of the complications have had profound impacts on patients’ lives, meaning they can be unable to move properly or go to work. With many having to simply live with this irrevocable damage, we are supporting women injured by mesh to claim the compensation they deserve.

Designed to treat pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence, the use of mesh implants has since been restricted by the NHS, meaning they can only be implanted in cases where there are usually no other options available. Nevertheless, many women are still suffering the repercussions of the devices, which have been used for around 20 years.

If you believe you have been caused unjust and avoidable injury as a result of vaginal mesh implants, you may have a claim to make. We understand how sensitive this issue can be, and we are happy to offer free, no-obligation advice regarding your mesh complications.

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Prolapsing after vaginal mesh surgery


For many years, vaginal mesh was an accepted medical device, with perhaps many people taking its safety for granted. However, over the past few years, patients’ stories and independent investigations have revealed that vaginal mesh has caused severe complications for a number of patients. Vaginal mesh complications can vary widely in nature, but one of the most notable consequences is that pelvic organs can end up prolapsing.

It is this symptom that can prove vaginal mesh is completely unfit for purpose in some cases, as the implants are specifically used to treat pelvic organ prolapse for some patients, as well as stress urinary incontinence. Prolapse can already cause difficult practical implications for women, so when coupled with the pain often associated with vaginal mesh complications, the condition can become debilitating.

If you have suffered from complications as a result of vaginal mesh, we want to ensure that your voice can be heard. In a medical negligence claim, vaginal mesh victims could be eligible to recover compensation for the suffering that they have endured. If we are able to prove a medical practitioner was guilty of negligence, you may be able to access thousands or even tens of thousands of pounds in compensation.

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Vaginal mesh – involuntary bladder leakage


Though vaginal mesh is often known for its use to treat pelvic organ prolapse, it has also been used to treat stress urinary incontinence. In fact, alongside other harmful complications, the mesh implants have been known to provoke involuntary bladder leakage proving that, in some cases, vaginal mesh can be entirely unfit for purpose.

After many women have reported complications associated with vaginal mesh, the UK paused their use for treating urinary incontinence, except in cases where was is no alternative course of treatment. The pause prompted questions about why these safety concerns were not raised before vaginal mesh became such a widespread treatment option.

The potential complications associated with vaginal mesh can often be debilitating, forcing some patients to make huge changes to their way of life. If the affected women had known they would suffer these complications, we believe that they would never have agreed to the procedure, which is why we think medical negligence may be at play. If you have been subjected to complications that you were not properly warned about, contact us for free, no-obligation advice about your right to claim.

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Victims subject to poor advice about risks of vaginal mesh

medical care

With safety concerns dating back to over a decade, there are ongoing controversies surrounding vaginal mesh implants. They are still in use, despite known complications and calls to ban the treatment. Countless patient testimonies have condemned the implants for being unfit for purpose and causing debilitating pain, and much of the outrage can stem from poor advice about risks that some women received prior to treatment.

Trusting in the openness of their doctors, it appears that many women were not properly informed about the potential consequences of undergoing this controversial procedure. If you consider yourself a victim of inadequate advice about mesh treatments, you may be eligible to claim compensation with us, and you may be eligible for No Win, No Fee legal representation.

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Vaginal mesh and the risk of organ perforation

multiple revision surgeries required

Potential vaginal mesh complications can be numerous. From reduced mobility to a relapse of urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse, they can have life-altering effects on a person’s life. One of the most damaging complications can be organ perforation, whereby the damage can extend into other organs in the area.

In some cases, vaginal mesh surgery is not fit for purpose, either causing a relapse of the condition it is supposed to treat, or causing more pain and damage than the patient was experiencing before the treatment. Some women have been kept in dark about the extent of the risks, and the poor or insufficient advice of medical professionals means many could be entitled to claim compensation.

At the Vaginal Mesh Lawyers, we are here to provide women with advice when they have been let down.

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TVT mesh complications

Surgery and operations

The use of transvaginal tape (TVT) and mesh has caused some patients to suffer from serious pain and irreversible damage arising from TVT mesh complications.

TVT and TVM have been used to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) for years. This is despite the record number of women who have been reporting complications and catastrophic damage from these devices since 2008.

The use of mesh implant devices has been dramatically reduced in recent years, but only in July 2018 did the NHS put a pause on their use in most cases. Despite this, transvaginal mesh and tape is still used in certain ‘unavoidable’ cases and still can still cause TVT mesh complications to this day.

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Claim for inadequate advice about risks of Vaginal mesh surgery


If you have suffered complications as a result of Transvaginal Mesh or Transvaginal Tape surgery, you could be eligible to make a compensation claim; particularly if you were not fully given the advice about the potential risks associated with this surgery.

We have been fighting for justice for women suffering from complications arising from Transvaginal mesh and Transvaginal tape surgery for many years. Whilst the NHS has limited the use of these mesh implants considerably, they are still being used among women today.

Anyone affected by these issues can speak to our team for free, no-obligation advice here.

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Claim for neuromuscular problems from vaginal mesh surgery

mesh implant problems

Transvaginal mesh and transvaginal tape surgery can cause many complications. One of the more serious complications that can arise after surgery is neuromuscular problems. This means that your muscles can be impaired, and this can lead to many issues for patients.

The number of complications that could arise from transvaginal mesh or transvaginal tape surgery is huge. For a long time now, women around the world have been suffering from serious and lifelong issues, and complications can be so bad, in some cases, that women are left worse off than before their surgery.

Anyone who has suffered problems and complications from vaginal mesh surgery, including neuromuscular problems, could be eligible to make a compensation claim. For eligible clients, we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Speak to our expert legal team today to discuss your compensation claim today.

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Did you know the risks of vaginal mesh surgery?


Did you know the risks of vaginal mesh surgery before you had it? You should have been made aware of the risks associated with it to help you make an informed decision.

If you were not made fully aware of the risks, you could be owed compensation. Your Lawyers, (The Vaginal Mesh Lawyers) has a dedicated team of lawyers ready to help any victims who have suffered traumatic complications following vaginal mesh surgery. If you have not been properly informed of the risks before undergoing surgery, we want to hear from you.

More than 92,000 women in the UK have been fitted with transvaginal mesh or transvaginal tape between 2007 and 2015. Following concerns over the safety of these devices, recent figures have slowed down. However, there are still women today being fitted with mesh or tape that could have catastrophic side-effects.

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