Claim compensation for years of pain from pelvic mesh surgery

years of pain from

You could be eligible to claim compensation if you have suffered from years of pain as a result of vaginal mesh surgery, and we may be able to help you now on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Ultimately, if you have been the victim of negligence, we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis. You could be eligible to claim compensation for any pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused, as well as for any losses and expenses incurred.

The best place to start is to contact our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

Patients suffering years of pain from vaginal mesh

Some patients have been left suffering from years of pain from vaginal mesh surgery, largely as a result of things not going right, or a misdiagnosis in respect of what the real problems were. In some cases, when patients presented with particular symptoms and problems, they were dismissed, even when they considered that their issues might have been related to their vaginal mesh. In other cases, some women have been led to believe that there was nothing out of the ordinary, or that their problems were even in their head which, again, has left some people suffering with pain for such a prolonged period of time.

Ultimately, no one should be left suffering with years of pain from a procedure that is supposed to correct pains and problems. Unfortunately, despite the intentions of pelvic mesh to resolve a number of very serious problems for women, it transpires that it has done the exact opposite in many cases.

Can you claim pelvic mesh compensation?

Any patient who has suffered as a result of pelvic mesh problems could be eligible to claim compensation, and we may be able to represent you for a case on a No Win, No Fee basis. If we can establish that you have been the victim of negligence, that is when we may be able to represent you for a legal claim. If we can prove that you have been the victim of negligence, we can then look to recover damages based on the extent and severity of any suffering and loss that you have endured.

We can look to recover General Damages which can include years of pain from pelvic mesh problems that you might have suffered. This element of the case is about recovering compensation for the extent and severity of any pain, suffering and loss of amenity that has been caused, even if this is for any permanent problems. If you have also incurred any losses and expenses, such as from time off work due to being unable to work in the same capacity as you did prior to surgery, you may be entitled to recover lost earnings among other expenses as part of a Special Damages claim.

Free, no-obligation legal advice now

You can find out if you are eligible to pursue a pelvic mesh compensation claim by contacting our legal team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

We can assess your circumstances and let you know whether your claim is one that we can assist you with. If we can help you, we can then take the claim forward and represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis if you are eligible for representation with us.

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