Has TVT mesh has ruined your sex life?

pelvic mesh support

We know this can be a difficult subject to discuss, but if TVT mesh has ruined your sex life, what can you do?

There are a number of incredibly serious complications that can arise from TVT mesh surgery. One of those is the serious impact it can have on your sex life. The constant pain and the damage to the surrounding tissues can make intercourse simply too painful (known as dyspareunia). The mental stress alone can also have an impact on physical relationships as well.

Unfortunately, as we often say, we can’t turn back the clock. What we can do is help you with a legal case for compensation if you’ve suffered as a result of a TVT mesh implant that has gone wrong. The levels of damages that can be awarded can be high given the severity of the complications that can arise.

What to do if TVT mesh has ruined your sex life

If TVT mesh has ruined your sex life, the path to justice isn’t always an easy one.

Ultimately, it may mean further surgery and a significant amount of treatment to be able to make some sort of decent recovery. This can be difficult to access through the NHS, and in some cases, the damage that women can be left with can be permanent.

What we may be able to is launch a legal case for compensation for you. This may be your only route to get some form of justice for what you have been through, and what you may endure in the future. The official guidelines we use for valuing claims recognises the severity of a loss of sexual function, with valuations that can be placed in the over £100,000.00 category. Cases must be fully assessed on their own merits, but this is a matter that is taken seriously.

In reality, we know that any amount of money isn’t enough to compensate you for what you have to go through.

More than just a claim for compensation

When TVT mesh has ruined your sex life, we know that you need more than just a claim for personal injury compensation.

You need our help and support.

All of our initial advice is available for free and on a no-obligation basis. You can be appointed a female lawyer to represent you, and we can take claims forward on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We don’t just process a claim. As specialist lawyers with a long history of helping victims claim compensation when the issues are personal and sensitive, we’re also your support network.

We’re acting for women who are claiming compensation following complications involving TVT mesh surgery. We’ve recovered over £1.3m in damages for victims in a similar action that has largely settled. We have other actions we’re fighting for justice in where the matter is incredibly sensitive, as it the case with any impact on sexual function.

We understand, and we’re here to help.

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