Category: Pelvic Mesh Complications

Claim for neuromuscular problems from vaginal mesh surgery

mesh implant problems

Transvaginal mesh and transvaginal tape surgery can cause many complications. One of the more serious complications that can arise after surgery is neuromuscular problems. This means that your muscles can be impaired, and this can lead to many issues for patients.

The number of complications that could arise from transvaginal mesh or transvaginal tape surgery is huge. For a long time now, women around the world have been suffering from serious and lifelong issues, and complications can be so bad, in some cases, that women are left worse off than before their surgery.

Anyone who has suffered problems and complications from vaginal mesh surgery, including neuromuscular problems, could be eligible to make a compensation claim. For eligible clients, we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Speak to our expert legal team today to discuss your compensation claim today.

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Care and Support Claims for Vaginal Mesh Surgery

Surigcla mesh problems

Have you suffered complications as a result of your transvaginal mesh or transvaginal tape surgery? You could be eligible to claim compensation for a variety of reasons, and today we will go into how you can make care and support claims.

The Vaginal Mesh Lawyers is a specialist medical and consumer action law firm, with years of experience helping people claim the compensation that they deserve. We have represented many women who have come to us for advice and support after suffering complications from their transvaginal mesh or transvaginal tape surgeries as far back as 2013.

We are here to help.

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Nerve damage from vaginal mesh surgery – compensation advice

nerve damage from vaginal mesh

You could be eligible to claim thousands of pounds in compensation where you have suffered from nerve damage from vaginal mesh surgery.

There can be many problems and complications that women suffer from, but this can be one of the most severe. Nerves do not like to be disturbed, so any injury to nerves can cause irreversible damage and a great deal of permanent pain and discomfort.

It is important that anyone affected by pelvic mesh issues is able to access some form of justice if they are able to, which is what we do.

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Private treatment costs in pelvic mesh compensation claims

mesh advice

In some pelvic mesh compensation cases, you could be eligible to claim for private treatment costs as part of a No Win, No Fee legal case.

There are a few ways that you could claim for such costs. If certain conditions are met as part of a claim for compensation, these costs can be factored into a claim, and we have outlined this below for you.

Treatment can be an incredibly important part of a legal case given how severe problems and complications of vaginal mesh can be.

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Symptoms of pelvic mesh complications and what you can do

medical care

The symptoms of pelvic mesh complications can be severe, and it is important to seek proper medical help if you feel anything is not right. In terms of legal advice for a claim for compensation, that is where we may be able to assist you.

Here is some advice about complications and when you could be eligible to make a claim. You can speak to our team for free, no-obligation advice and we may be able to take a case forward for you on a No Win, No Fee basis today.

Make sure to speak to our team for help as soon as you can to avoid missing any deadline to claim.

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Vaginal mesh and mental health

Help and Support

Vaginal mesh and mental health can go hand-in-hand, and it is important that this part of the process that women go through is a part of the legal advice and representation that we offer.

We are not just here to represent people for compensation claims on a No Win, No Fee basis. We are here to be a part of the support network to help, and there is plenty that we can offer for you.

Read on for some advice about vaginal mesh and mental health issues and how this can be a part of any legal case that we take forward for you.

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Multiple revision surgeries for pelvic mesh: compensation advice

multiple revision surgeries required

If you have undergone multiple revision surgeries following a vaginal mesh procedure, this can be included in a claim for pelvic mesh compensation with us.

We can give you some brief guidance about how we can account for any additional suffering associated with having to undergo multiple procedures. We can also give you some guidance about how we approach valuing pelvic mesh cases as well, and what you could be entitled to claim for.

Our team is always happy to speak to you and offer you free, no-obligation advice about your options as well.

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Sandwell and West Birmingham Pelvic Mesh Claims

Sandwell and West Birmingham

You may recall the Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust pelvic mesh issues involving former patients of Dr Angamuthu Arunkalaivanan that triggered a significant recall.

It’s an issue that dates back from a few years, so most patients will have received their recall letters and any additional steps that needed to be undertaken should have been done so. However, if some patients experience problems a long time after the recall notification, there may still be time left to claim.

We must stress that you must contact our team ASAP to determine if you are still in time, though. But, since we have resolved legal action that we have taken for this issue, we wanted to remind those who were affected about their rights to pursue compensation.

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Pelvic mesh support: compensation claims and the law

pelvic mesh support

Pelvic mesh support is incredibly important given that many patients end up suffering from irreversible damage caused by this controversial surgery.

As lawyers, we know that we can help by way of a claim for personal injury compensation which is designed to put a victim back – as much as is possible – in the position they were in prior to the negligence occurring. In this article, we will briefly explore how we can do this, how it can help, and how you can speak to our team for free, no-obligation advice today.

We’re here to help.

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Urinary incontinence compensation for pelvic mesh

mesh implant problems

Women suffering from urinary incontinence may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation where the cause of the problem is from vaginal mesh surgery.

We can represent women in England and Wales where this is a complication that has developed, worsened, or perhaps not resolved after surgery. With some women left with permanent and irreversible damage after undertaking this kind of surgery, it’s important that victims of negligence have the right to claim.

We can offer free, no-obligation advice for anyone who approaches us for help, and we can offer No Win, No Fee representation for eligible clients too.

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